Integrity Currency



is our only true



Integrity is the money, no doubt. Sophie Theallet, the French designer just announced that she will not be dressing the new First Lady.

In an open letter to the public, she announced that she stands against all prejudice, racism, sexism, xenophobia. Her brand being a family brand, she believes strongly that standing in her values, in her integrity is the most ethical way to do business. Sophie believes so strongly in diversity and benevolent grace, that she is ready to forego the Super Model First Lady.


Great business decision. 

Stand for what you value. 

Of course choose values that are benevolent, but that goes without saying. Clients are sophisticated, intelligent, intuitive human souls. That is always the best stance to take on delineating the discernment level of our client base. Never underestimate human capacity to smell through moonshine. 

An evolved business, a legacy, will be CRYSTAL CLEAR on the values of the mission. Values are simply standards, principles, codes, virtues that you stand by, no matter the success or cost to the business they provide. 

Let's throw out some examples of core values:

Freedom, Love, Gratitude, Generosity, Certainty, Significance, Impact, Happiness, Benevolence, Trust, Loyalty, Structure, Flexibility, Honesty, Intelligence, Intuition, Abundance, Belonging, Inclusion, Empathy, Peace, Transcendence, Transformation, Synergy, Sensuality, Security, Adventure, Variety, Bliss, Harmony, Faith

Thousands more. There are infinite virtues in a human heart you can tease out. How to tell which ones are truly strong for you?






1. make a list of 10-20 core values you believe in

2. out of the 10, which could you just NOT give up, even if faced with abandon, ridicule, ruin

3. when you found yourself rock bottom, face down, which values were NOT being honored

4. when you find yourself on TOP of your game, which values are BEING honored



Tease out your top 5 and GO FULLY with them in delineating your mission in the world. But always remember, please please remember: life is FLUID! Please be willing to be flexible at crucial times, remain human.


In other words

Thank you for the READ! So honored.

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE. I am a Mentor for High-Achieving Global Women. Radical Longevity Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor based in Hawaii. An avid Designer & Poet. 

I support women globally as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS.

Feel free to get your free guide


Photography: Archives of Designer Sophie Theallet, Stunning Model Candice Huffine

LEGACYDenisa Rensen