Gratitude is simply 

such a LUCID stance on life

even a mere inhale has rounded up trillions

of molecules and an army of Gods

to breathe itself



We are so keenly aware to be grateful for everything around us. Saying thank you everyday to numerous people, being thankful for the things we already have, for the life we already live. Gratitude is a core value to the entire humanity, thankfully. 

Let's take it deeper, tune in much deeper for fun.  Let's extract a kind of gratitude that can keep us tuned into this beautiful core value, even if all is falling apart around us. Let's dive into a deeper layer of extraordinary design. Our BODY. Our vessel in this particular incarnation. The sanctuary that carries all our earthly dreams, the platform of all our manifestations.




Every second,

50 million new cells are created in your ingenious body

2 million of these are blood cells, each bringing critical nutrients and repair to every crevice of your being

Each single cell produces over 2000 new proteins per second. Now,  there are there are 100 trillion of cells in your body, so I am not certain what the total number of proteins would even be called. 

10 million ATP energy molecules manufactured every second in every one of the 100 trillion cells, you are never out of energy!

Your brain cells transmit 750 million signals every second, scanning your inside and outside, making sure you survive the next second

Your sweet human eye, 10 million bits of information per second!

4 billion bits of information are exchanged between the left and right hemispheres, to keep you in genius mode.

Every inhale fills more than 300 million sacs in the lungs simultaneously, to flood trillions of oxygen molecules from the earth's air, into your core. 

All these extraordinary feats, every second of every day, so your SOUL can LIVE!


The body. Such benevolence. 


This is all on a cellular level. You can go even deeper and go to the molecular, quantum, energetic levels, and you will swiftly tune into the orchestration of a masterpiece. Your INNER LIFE.

Take care of your body as a sanctuary for it all. Here are some basic tenets of TLC:

1. ABUNDANCE - the mind creates the energetic flow in the body, which guides physiology. Make an abundance mindset your priority, everyday. This will help design a body that is flowing well and detoxing swiftly. 

2. LOVE - another mindset basic for cellular health. When you feel love, the nervous system shifts into regeneration and repair mode. The hormones balance, the detox mechanisms kick in, and you are on a smooth sail of cellular repair. 

3. NUTRIENTS - you cannot out-exercise a bad diet they say. This is so so true. Clean food and water are the cornerstone of cellular health. Filtered water. Organic vegetarian diet is the ultimate. Keep keep heading in that direction. Take small steps everyday.

4. MOVEMENT - the youthfulness of your body depends on CIRCULATION. Helping the heart pump the blood into the deepest corners to bring oxygen and nutrients in, take the toxins out. This is the critical piece. When you are planning an exercise routine, think circulation!!! Keep moving this vessel.

5. ENERGY - whatever you do in life, make sure it is about magnifying energy in YOU and in others. Do things that light you up, stay away from energy leaks, and inspire the world around you with empowering and positive endeavors and activities. AMPLIFY energy, wherever you go. Be the SOUL of the place. 

6. And most importantly,  look deep INSIDE and keep keep being grateful



WAKES you everyday

to life's unwavering Effervescence


Thank you for the READ!

So honored.

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE. I am a Mentor for High-Achieving Global Women. Radical Longevity Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor based in Hawaii. An avid Designer & Poet. 

I support women globally as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS.

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