Meet Her at the Cafe

'Meet her at the Cafe'

That is the name of the exercise I used to find my ideal client, my brand heroine, my woman.

It is an exercise that every high-level entrepreneur must do.

It dislodges you & offers a completely new perspective on the woman that is guiding you, that is looking for YOU.

A good colleague of mine told me about this exercise and I am here to spread the word! I did modify it somewhat. You can too, use creative permutations. But design for dislodgment, for a key perspective shift.

So here is the 'Cafe Exercise':

Prep: you will need 2 notebooks, 2 different pens, and enough cash to buy two different coffees.

1. Go to a cafe, one that you do not frequent much but one that you like, you've got to feel good in there, the design must match you.

2. Sit alone, order a new kind of cafe, not one you usually order. Get out a journal and a new pen & be ready to write.

3. Look across and choose an empty table, and imagine your ideal client is sitting there. Gaze into her, feel her, what is she looking for, what is she missing, what is her pain, what wakes her up at night, what is controlling her, who is the dictator in her life, what blocks her, what has she tried to release herself from the suffering, where does she wanna go, what are her core values and desires, where does she want to be, what is the help she is longing for... etc go as deep and as wide as you can, you must know her inside out, feel into her, reach into the deepest pain & know her there.

4. NOW, pack up all your things, and move to her table. Sit in her chair. Order a different drink, one she would LOVE. Open up your 2nd notebook, use another pen and dive in. Look over at your old seat, at the previous table... where you sat diving deep into her. It is time to BE her. Look at the mentor, the coach the guide at the other table... (the you)... and describe this person. Describe the coach from her perspective, what she is looking for, where she wants you to take her, how she wants to work and how long and what results she needs from you. See YOU through HER eyes. Fully. Write as much detail as you can. Dive deep into her needs of you.

Do you need to know her name, her age, the name of her dog, and how much she has in her savings? NO


You need to FEEL her. Like this. Everyday.

That is where your business begins.



I am so honored to be here with you. Thank you for the read!

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the CEO and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE. I am a Mentor for High-Achieving Global Women. Radical Longevity Medicine Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor. An avid Designer & Poet. 

 I support women globally as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS.

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