The Tao is empty, like the eye of a hurricane, 

it's power is it's emptiness. 

All things swirl around it, but it is unmoved. 


- michael singer


Presence, unmoved presence. We value this emptiness, no doubt. It helps focus. It preserves energy.  Being FULLY present. In non-resistance, non-judgement, a witnessing mind, a Zen angle on our moment to moment existence. So peaceful. 


But how does this non-doing presence create



In the Tao Te Ching, it is said that The TAO, this eye of the metaphysical hurricane, is the wisest place to be. Suspended in an ever present peace, a holding space of non-doing, non-polarity, in the midst of the middle path. Here, no matter what comes at you, you no longer oscillate between opposite polarities, judgements of good and bad. The car cuts you off, you just deal with it in the moment, attach no particular meaning to the event, and it's done. You can keep singing away to your mp3s. You live from moment to moment unaffected by the caprices of physical reality, the spinning & storms all around you.

What a place to be! Complete serenity, effortless flow. But why did I always feel this state was so static, so dispassionate. I loved the extremes, the intensity of motion, the burning fire! The highs, oh the highs! The ecstasy. The rapture. The tension of polarity. The lows. Well, I did not enjoy the lows that much, but luckily I was not gripped by them for too long at any particular time. I was easily ignitable. This was the creative tension I loved for so long! For very good reasons, to be fair. I felt that this is how momentum gets created, in the tension between the + and -. I always felt we can use a fire lit under our sweet a** to get things rolling! 

In the last two years, however, I am back to exploring they Eye of Tao again. Out of necessity, to be honest. On this journey to massive soul-sourced creation, I have found the extremes are starting to exhaust me. They do not necessarily create the high quality results I am drawn to. They have me spinning and, on some days, render me frankly useless. The worry, the fear, the overwhelm, the judgements on one end of the oscillation. The excitement, the mania, the fruitless imagination on the other. All these take up a TON of room in the day, a ton of energy.  I can easily get frozen for hours by frustration or worry. I can easily get carried away for days with a creative rapture. This is no judgement of any of these states, I am just making a key observation that the highs and the lows, when I get carried away by them, can distract me from The Path significantly. They take up a lot of my energy. I lose my focus. And I need all the energy and focus I can get!

So non-resistance, being in the moment, in the TAO, is the key practice these days. When worry arises, I give it no particular attention, no energy. I just witness. When excitement arises, I watch it like I would an excited child, in awe but I do not get taken into the spin as I naturally would. I just rest in peace and reverence with it. It's actually very very pleasant. And the results are phenomenal. 

Clarity is the first symptom of being in the TAO. The Eye of the hurricane, the center of the Way, the Middle way is really sharp. The wind, the dust, the fog are on the outskirts, not in the middle here. Here in the center, it's crisp clear fresh air! Perfect 20:20 vision.

The second major bonus of the TAO is momentum, the very thing I feared it would not generate. How ignorant I was. How arrogant, me! questioning the Tao. But to my naive credit, they were talking about non-doing. How does momentum get created in stillness?


The swirl of life draws it's energy from the center,

and the center draws it's energy from the swirl of life. 


- michael singer


So in fact, you are never static in the TAO, you are always MOVING in here. This is a momentum. An elegant intelligent graceful Focused 'Current'. A flow of energy in some cosmically designed direction. A direction of YOUR choice, your desire, your HIGHER design.

From my observation, the momentum gets going from a creative tension between love and attention, between a deep care for a direction and a devotional presence in that direction. The polarities still exist here, they do have a place, and they also enchantingly fuel the movement forward, but this time in a non-exhaustive way.

It's a fascinating design, the Eye of the Hurricane motif to momentum. I will keep teasing out the exact mechanism little by little. I do not have the full details figured out yet. But I have so much more clarity and energy now!


I am still

yet I am moving, 

my current flows

in the flow of my current 



- rensen


Thank you for the READ! So honored.

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Visionary Loving Innovative Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS. I am a Radical Longevity Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor based in Hawaii. A Mother, an avid Designer, a Poet, a Freediver. Our day to day life is the MASTERPIECE, n'est ce pas? 

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Art by Rafael Araujo

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