

remind me of my humanity

make me weep

devastate me

never let me forget being flesh


- rensen


There are many gifts that 3rd density comes to bear. There is a reason why we are living in this limited physical pain-filled '3d' existence. There are a few key things we are learning here. It is not all in vain. There are critical GEMS here for cosmic understanding.

Compassion is one of those critical learning pieces. When you live in a 3rd density world of victimhood and perpetration, you have your eyes and your heart opened wide to injustice. Here you truly get to feel & learn compassion. When you witness innocent civilians being bombed, their children tortured and crushed in the rubble. When you read the history and the devastation of the human spirit. When you witness the suffering of a fellow human in pain or child in terminal illness. You get to really FEEL! You are broken to pieces. You FEEL the human palpable pain, the injustice, the suffering at the cellular level. Your brothers and sisters are victims, at the mercy of a ruthless ruler - at the mercy of life, society, a nation, of nature. There is no justice here. You awaken that Weltschmertz - that world pain.


here is where

we come to learn



In 5th density, however - an evolved advanced civilization consciousness design - compassion is NOT AS palpable. In '5d' all beings are creators of their own reality, each Being's consciousness designs it's own physical reality. Justice is essentially not an issue here. You do not come face to face with raw pain and dripping compassion.

You have come across this even here, I bet. Some evolved teachers, gurus, metaphysicians, mindset coaches that 'kind of do theoretically recognize' your pain, but do not FEEL your pain, they do not express or show their fleshly compassion. They see you as being fully responsible for your own reality and they usher you to move on. They waste no time in feeling with you, in outright pain union. We get why.  It is all well meaning. They truly want to exit you from the emotionality & victimhood, release you. The intention is pure goodness, yet you can sense they are not available to feel with you, like your '3d' colleagues would. Palpable compassion is '3d'. It feels like they have forgotten the visceral pain of evolution. Just like some elders that have outright forgotten what it's like to be a child.


3D compassion

never forget it 

a true GEM of humanity


If you sit with anyone that is still struggling with being at the mercy of life, receiving life instead of creating it. Pause for a moment. You CAN 'feel with' and still remain in high frequency. Do not look at them in pity. This is straight up spiritual arrogance. Be REAL, be HUMAN. Know they are learning what you are forgetting already. They are reminding you of your humanity. 


when you see me

in tears, feel me

no pity please, you pompous sage





Thank you for the READ! So honored. I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Innovative Loving Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS. I am a world-class Coach, a Doctor, a Designer, and a Writer.

Feel free to get your free guide

Photography: Jake Thacker

WOMANDenisa Rensen