

super simple METAPHYSICS


In life, we can be followers & victims


we can be active agents & designers of destiny.

You can let life LIVE YOU, or you can live it ACTIVELY.


The distinction between the two metaphysical stances on life is radical. Most of the world lives at the mercy of circumstances and this is devastating to witness for those who see the ‘Design Piece’ clearly.

“ The day you make an active shift into design thinking, is the day you begin to live an entirely new life. It is also the day creativity truly wakes up. The canvas of your life is wiped clean. You are the ready to draw, sculpt, unleash.”

Designing Abundance has design thinking theory at it’s very core.

chaos --- patterning --- systems

“The ‘victim life’ is chaotic and unpredictable. When you apply design concepts to your life, when you become aware and identify exactly the piece that you want to change, tailor-in, or completely abolish, you begin to see ORDER and PATTERN recognition wakes up. In the last phase, you systematize what you truly envision by creating structures, habits, value-driven clear decisions that make sense in a whole life design way. You begin to live consciously and know what you are doing from here on clearly.”


The universe DEMANDS your clarity.

You want abundance?

Get REALLY clear!

And throw in a touch of sensuality into it for flavor.


Thank you for the READ! So honored. I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the CEO and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE. I am a Mentor for High-Achieving Global Women. Radical Longevity Medicine Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor. An avid Designer & Poet. 

 I support women globally as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS.

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