Lets Not Pray to the God of Discipline Any Longer


Lets Not Pray to the God of Discipline Any Longer


more exploration

true connection to our inner self

LESS discipline

I am doing all my mantras, readings, and keeping my goals in front of me, but nothing is happening.
I am failing to keep up with my schedule
I am not getting results as I had before with same activities
I need to be held more accountable
My mind can’t keep a focus


Does this sound ALL to familiar to us all?
Instead of tightening the reign around our horse’s necks, isn’t it time to loosen them up? What have all the new philosophies of living, working, and connecting authentically to our purpose taught us? To be more disciplined, or to be more loving and more fun, even in the midst of work?

It’s the second one, contrary to popular belief. It seems we find it so hard to let go of some good old fashioned Protestant work ethic in our modern new ways of functioning. The God of Discipline will fall last. But it will fall.

Relying on discipline is actually hiding the real problem which is more difficult to tackle and leaves one more vulnerable. The problem is our wants and needs, and our beliefs as to how we can achieve them. It is the imperative quality of self-trust and internal motivation that is lacking, not discipline. Think of a time when something really interested you, you took every possible opportunity to do it, you didn’t need to be disciplined to do it.

Why is it so rare for us to clearly know what we like, what we want, and how we want to achieve it?

Here is why:

Society, it’s accepted norms and established traditions which define us from our childhood and erase the inherent self-trust we possess, makes us believe that they and everybody else outside of ourselves are the best judge of what good for us.

Let’s deconstruct discipline.

Its very, very predictable and people like predictability.
It produces visible and quantifiable results, which improve over time.
We as society love numbers and growth.
Loving discipline is also in the Bible and the Western civilization very much relies on Christian based values.
The disciplined ones don’t rebel and keep things status quo.
So discipline is predictable, quantifiable, supported by religion, and keeps masses manageable. Can we see now why it’s so admired by our “leaders”?

Let’s look at Wikipedia:

“Discipline is the suppression of base desires, and is usually understood to be synonymous with restraint and self-control. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute for motivation. Discipline is when one uses reason to determine the best course of action regardless of one's desires, which may be the opposite of excited.”

Do you want to live your life suppressing your desires, or do you want to express them? Instead of investigating the reasons for our lack of motivation, are we going to use discipline as a crutch? Has relying solely on reason to make decisions brought us happiness and fulfillment?


Do we want to sabotage our own expansion and growth

by doing opposite of what we desire?


No more I say! Let’s start waking up to our true motivations, and birth a new way of living. The key for us to zone in on is unearthing our true motivation and live authentically. And my personal and professional experience is only strengthening my belief that what we need is LESS discipline and more exploration and true connection to our inner self, our internal combustion engine that moves us, motivates us, and creates magnificence.


This motivation is built on self-trust

and the more we learn to trust our own heart and mind,

the stronger and more satisfied we become.

Dunja Radosavljevic is a 60 Minute Coach that helps revolutionary women business owners to breakthrough and release obstacles to up-leveing their business with love.
She teaches them to stand in their truth, while authentically integrating their feminine and masculine energies, to design the life and business they want, on their own terms.

You can Connect with Dunja HERE