Future Presence


the future belongs to those who can hear it coming


- david bowie


to those that can see it

taste it

feel it

especially to those who are willing to

give it a voice


- rensen


Oh, that voice.

I always like a good convo, a good dialogue between intelligent yet meticulously intuitive folks. This is the exchange I would have with David, if I were honored with his presence. 

On the topic of Presence. I am a huge fan of what you could call a 'future presence'. Yes, being in the moment is critical. Mindfulness is one of human's highest skills to cultivate. Yet, 'just the present moment' perpetuates the past, I feel. The precise present moment is in fact a vestige of all that you have been, all that you have lived, the harvest of seeds already sown. What we sink into 'in the moment' is in fact the past. We are drowning in the extinct. Sinking deeper and deeper in a cycle of the same story.

How about we come in resonance with a type of  'future presence'.

Look, I am fully available for all that comes in the moment, in non-resistance as much as I can muster up. I am not always successful with full acceptance of all that is, as is, but I keep my finger on the pulse here. No repulsion, no repudiation. All that is - it is as is - due to all that I have been thus far. And I have been perfectly humanly imperfect. 

At the same time as I am accepting 'all that is', I have my foot on the gas - not on the brake, so to speak. The moment is a static entity on its own, a still shot of life. But I naturally like to keep moving. There is an organic pull. It's a feeling coming from the heart. A yearning to motion. To keep creating. Designing an 'ahead'. Not pushing or pressuring the moment to go in some specific direction, but using the canvas of my heart and my imagination to create a next moment. The next moment that is a touch more expanded, a touch more evolved, grown. A touch more loving. We are the directors of this wonderful play called life. We get to choose! Imagination with heart is the design instrument. Always one step ahead in the dreamscape.

Perhaps this is 'The Moment' - making love to - 'Momentum'. Presence flirting with the next Presence. And the next and the next. A Future presence. It's a lot more fun progressing than looking back, as David Bowie would say - than just be looking 'in' - I say.


you can lie a lifetime

in a beautiful meadow, watching the clouds form

from moment to moment

but what good is that when the skies

long to sing your voice

dance your skin

run your bones




Thank you for the READ! So honored. I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Innovative Loving Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS. I am a Coach, Doctor, Designer, and a Writer.

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