



a brush with heaven

sensual arrest


Arms - long extensions shooting out from the human torso. Here for one reason only, to simply help the heart - reach out - to the life around us.

Fingertips - tender end points of this yearning contact. Can you imagine how much data and soul must be stored in these soft cosmic #touchPads?


yes, we lost touch

but you forever live in my fingertips


Revered in poetry. In music. In love prose and erotica. Even the mere sight of a sensual finger brush, on a screen film, instantly wakes you.  A Sensual Arrest. Your breath pauses. A telepathic current straight to the heart, flooding the pelvic dish.

Seductive fingertips sometimes disrobe. Loving fingertips always disarm.

They can be magnetic little creatures. Their benevolent purpose on this cosmic timeline is essentially 2 fold. 


connection & Freedom


Even though we are essentially made of 99% empty space, the 1% material physicality - we are given - longs to communicate. We are ONE, 7 billion of us plus the animal & plant & elemental kingdom of ONE. Union is such a natural pull, especially with those we resonate with, with the loved ones and the Beloveds. The fingertips are our first point of touch contact. Yes, our eyes have seen, our ears have heard, our nose has sensed the fragrance, our hearts have felt the resonance & yearning, but the ecstacy of touch goes unmatched. The fingertips have a highly concentrated receptor field. They are an Espresso of nerve endings, concentrated is a tiny area, occupying vast amount of neurons up in the cortex above. They are also the entry & exit point of every single meridian of your body, energetic floodgates. When you brush your fingers along the pines of an evergreen, you feel a tingle down your entire spine, your arms and for some even the feet and the whole body. The data is THAT precise. Stunning design. Sensory amplification at it's finest.  

We long to connect yet we long to be Free. Love and Wisdom set us free, we realize this at some critical point on the journey. Once we get this, we go to great lengths to learn and evolve to higher love and consciousness in our lifetimes. The 5000 plus nerve endings at each tip, our fingers are energetic activation pads, connecting the physical body - organs &  glands - with the energetic body - chakras & nadis. The sacred hand gestures, the MUDRAS connect the tips, creating an energetic feedback loop and activation cycle through the physical pathways, etheric pathways and the five basic elements, to create specific healing and Ascending effects. Pure cosmic design of regeneration and Ascension. Beautiful, so kind.


Freedom is literally

at our fingertips

And so is Supreme Love



It's in the way they move and

They catch that simple groove and

They tell a story

all their own

about the human heart alone

- Poe


Thank you for the READ!

So honored.

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Visionary Loving Innovative Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & true BLISS.

I am also Radical Longevity Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor based in Hawaii. An avid Designer & Poet. 

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Poetry: Rensen, Photography: Julia Komarova, Music: Poe

WOMANDenisa Rensen