withstand the heat with focused ease

with illogical grace

with an unguarded heart


By now you have understood and accepted your mission to ring in the new paradigm. In a world coming apart at the seams, you are finding yourself standing amongst the wreckage with arms wide open, calmly witnessing the chaos and destruction of the collective false Self - made manifest through lives poisoned by the illusion that is separation, knowing full well that everything is unfolding with precise perfection.




precise perfection


It is not easy to see the bigger picture in a time of limited, skewed and heavily manipulated viewpoints, because very few will understand your perspective. In fact, your perspective will seem insane to most people. Your unwavering unwillingness to judge, condemn, fear, control, or play by the iron rules of an outdated game will trigger confusion, outrage and concern from those closest to you. They will insist you get upset and be appalled at the "reality" of things - but you won't.

They will put extraordinary amounts of energy into defending their enslavement, their limiting beliefs about why they can't be empowered creators of their own realities. They will cling to their false securities and personas like a polar bear to a melting ice cap. That's okay. You're not here to convince anyone of anything.


you're simply here to hold the space

of unconditional love

 acceptance and joy for all


You are here to breathe life into that which you DO want, which is UNITY consciousness. You are here to fill the cracks, to paint the future with invisible strokes and care not whether anyone can see what is still un-seeable. You are here to mold reality like the mound of clay that it is, to know that even iron can be bent and rearranged when it glows hot enough. 

You are here to be able to withstand the heat with focused ease, with illogical grace, with an unguarded heart, and you have armies of support by your side. 

That is what you came here to do, and fulfilling this mission will push you to your limits, will make you question your sanity, will occasionally make you feel very, very misunderstood and alone. But you will embrace the challenges and you will thrive in the solitude, because you will know in your heart that you can never be alone, for you are all that is and ever was, and the very essence of your being is infinite.


the very essence




I am Melinda Cohen, a Spiritual Strategist.
I activate radical visionaries to unlock and embody their most sacred purpose.
I am a multidimensional storyteller.

Everything I do is an extension of me. I am learning what it means to live and breathe ART.

The masterpiece?


Exploration of ever expanding consciousness. Ever choosing to be present. Ever giving myself permission to be extraordinary.

Feel free to join Melinda here: