


A feeling

fully felt is


- Joseph Campbell


we are here together, as humans
we have incarnated in the same quantum field
how sweet

but why as bodies? these platforms, heavy receptacles
the pleiadians and intergalactic channels tell us
we've got these dense bodies to learn nothing other than COMPASSION
the universe is experiencing EMOTIONALITY through us
the Earth journey is

OK, then
if that's the case
I say, the compassion starts with the 37 trillion cells within our own bodies
each and one cell is a hologram of the entire
universe and yearns for your love


every cell of your body
longs to be loved
by you

- rensen


THAT is what we are here for
to learn love
and it starts with OUR own loving

health, wellness and regeneration of the human body starts with affection and self-care, period - not with water, food, supplements, hormones, meds - the basis of it all is COMPASSION
emotion is an epigenetic environment

which emotion we choose to experience - it essentially does not matter to the universe, as long as you experience it, fully

every human emotion shapes not only our internal environment, but also the world around us - not just mere perception of life but reality itself

studies are clear that our emotions alter our DNA, and the DNA in turn affects the arrangement of photons in physical reality, we create our time and space reality by choosing our feeling at every moment

so fascinating, emotion designing every physical piece of our reality

if bliss is a feeling fully felt - then all emotion is bliss, as long as fully seen, fully experienced

at every moment - choose emotion

love and above - ideally, these essentially hurt the least

but if you must suffer, feel it fully - it's the only way to transmute it to bliss to freedom, to abundance


an abundance of lack or 

abundance of abundance

that is the only choice we are essentially making in life


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thank you for the swift read, these are simple shots of bliss 

i am Dr. Denisa Rensen and my mission in the world -

designing women's lives for BLISS - the zenith of living experience,

from a creative and professional angle

feel free to download my free guide