abundance Designed - Part V - CASH REALITY


| Abundance Designed |

The Sexy Metaphysics Of A Woman's Cash





if you want money more than anything,
you will be bought and sold

if you have a greed for food,
you will become a loaf of bread

this is a subtle truth.
whatever you love, you are

- Rumi




Who loves a good history lesson? Silence. 

Alright, I  will make it super brief. Chimposapiens did not naturally like to share their food with others. Only with their closest kin. However, they did like pleasure, and would trade bananas for sex. That is what the historians tell us about our earliest ancestors. Early form of bartner. #Funfact.

In the advent of homosapiens, trade, bartering became more prevalent and found meaning outside of mere pleasure, in safety & security. Rations were gathered, stored for later use in famine, or for exchange. This was the beginning of the concept of savings.

The Israeli 'shekel' was the first form of money, and referred to the weight of a silver coin. So money was first  '11 grams of silver' at a time, merely the weight of a valued precious metal. Each coin was stamped with a symbol, to assure it's accuracy, and TRUST was tailored into coins. Then as the need for DEPENDABILITY and TRUST became more and more widespread and societies and trade became more and more complex, paper money was introduced. 

"It’s easy to see how money caught on.  It was a much more efficient way to transact business than bartering one good for another.  Money was also a useful store of wealth, certainly more convenient than livestock or grains.  These two core functions—a medium of exchange and a store of value—still define money today."  - Forbes MAGAZINE

In 1971, something drastic happened. The value of the US dollar was untied to the value of precious metals, and all currencies became kind of symbolic derivatives of government whims. This is where volatility and hyperinflation was introduced. Money has no longer a standard physical value. If you look at what CHINA is doing now, accumulating physical GOLD at an exponential rate, you see how valuable precious tangible metals still are. 




Where is this all going. Money has no real tangible anchor in the physical world. Does it matter? Not so much, the future of currency is in the digital world anyhow. Cryptographic currencies are what is ahead for us. Bitcoin is the first of the series that is showing some relevance. An instant and ubiquitous vehicle for an alternative currency to today's fiat (non-anchored) money. It's super secure, processing is automatic and fees lowered substantially. 

"Bitcoins can only be created by mining, which is done by solving complicated mathematical problems. The supply of Bitcoin is also capped.  So no one, not even its inventor, can create unlimited Bitcoins. There’s no Federal Reserve or other central bank that can intervene." - Forbes Magazine

Now these cryptographic currencies are nowhere near being a reliable store of value yet. Algorithms are NOT YET better at managing currency than humans. The governments have not created structures to tax us through these. For digital currency to take hold, AI & technology must advance substantially and centralized powers must find a necessity for it. But once these glitches are solved, digital money has the potential to truly transform the world for us. It's decentralized, it's way more secure, it's cheap and it's super easily automated. 

For now, crowdfunding and micro-lending are two pieces of evidence that #digitalTech is making finance more and more democratic. People are able to design financing in a way that was never available before.

What we do know is that the cost of living is going to go down drastically in the next 30 years. Electricity will become free, technology will be next to free. What we will need cash for will drastically be altered. You will be able to live in an eco house that cost you 5K to build, and drive an solar powered vehicle for a few hundred bitcoins. The purpose for wealth creation will shift dramatically. That is, only as long as the OIL GIANTS step into #consciousTech.



Now let's pause for a moment and get REAL. All of the above is the history of human circumstances. Most of this history was based on survival, scarcity, suffering and incessant lack of freedom and opportunities. The entire anthology of HUMAN MONEY is written in the dark ink of LACK beliefs. That is natural and we must not reject this history. This was a part of a very organic natural evolution of unconscious beings. This was us, this was our family. Accept it with gratitude and let's open the gate to a NEW MONEY CONSCIOUSNESS.





You are the creator of your circumstances. You are consciousness and you have access to infinite perspectives to choose from at every moment of every day. 


each day is a fresh canvas

waiting to be painted


- Craig Sager


Will you choose your ancestral scarcity perspectives? Some will, everyday, because they feel they are receivers of life. They take their cue from their present circumstances, from their present reality in front of them. The debt, the fear, the insecurity. 

The NEW CONSCIOUSNESS, the 4th/5th density folks know that the circumstances are NOT to be used as the CUE for creation. Design thinking is based in imagination & being clear on our desires & our specific cosmic blueprint. What we #truly long for, what we #truly value, what we #truly envisage. We design the NEXT reality ahead at every moment of every day. 

Money in the bank is merely a particular circumstance. If you have 10K in there, it's because of certain choices you made a few months prior. If there is debt, it's because of decisions YOU stepped into with what you knew or felt. If it's a million dollars, congrats! you probably aligned to a real quality resonance with the number 1,000,000 of US currency. It's merely a circumstance, no different that the partner you are with or the car you drive or the health of your body.

Money does not exist outside of your consciousness, much like your circumstances. That means that you can redesign this just as much as you can redesign your relationship or the health of your body or anything in your life.

Where the challenge arises is when you carry everywhere the HUMAN LIBRARY of SCARCITY BELIEFS about money with you in your subconscious mind. These create your MONEY frequency and the law of attraction gives you exactly that, SCARCITY.  A sweet ABUNDANCE of LACK. 

Unearthing, Clearing & Transmuting lack beliefs around money is IMPERATIVE for the NEW MONEY CONSCIOUSNESS to kick in. Period. Please peak at PART 4 HERE to get a sense of what this process is. This is what we will be working on together throughout 2017.  

And the next process is not making, not attracting, but DIRECTING cash for our highest purpose. It's the only way it'll come in. Let's dive into that!




like energy

money cannot be ‘made’

it’s made already


How much CASH is there in the world?


That is multiples of this 1,000,000,000,000,000!

There is no need to ‘make’ money. It’s like energy, it cannot be ‘made’ anyways. It’s made ALREADY, quadrillions of it in the world.

Your job is to simply DESIGN to draw it in, to direct it, to align it to you.

Aligning with the already existing wealth in the world is such a more efficient and swift way to financial abundance. It is such a relief that we do not have to ‘make’ it. Don’t you think?

How do we align and direct the existing wealth in the world our way?

By precise design consciousness.

Aligned with our highest calling, our genius, our service, that cosmic signature. Any business venture we dive into, soul-sourced project, piece of art, will be relentless work. But if we design to be in our ZONE of genius, if we truly embody the work, if we are the work, if we design from passion, if we design to create REAL juicy solutions, if we design to connect and elevate our clients stories and lives… we will DIRECT MONEY OUR WAY.

Period. Guaranteed.

Coherence, Passion, Perseverance, and Good Design are the key pillars of your financial abundance. Our work is to wake them all! Daily.

And let's get real, no one is hoarding their coffers here. When we access cash, we redirect it back into the world in benevolent ways. For SIGNIFICANCE, for IMPACT, for GENEROSITY, for FREEDOM, for BLISS. So know, when you get aligned and clear and direct this healthy cash to you, you become a true source of goodness in the world. No doubt.


direct the wild wealth of the world to you

you will surely release it into the world

once again

in benevolent directions

n'est ce pas?


Thank you for the READ and LISTEN!

So honored.

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Visionary Loving Innovative Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & true BLISS.

I am also Radical Longevity Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor based in Hawaii. An avid Designer & Poet. 

Feel free to get your free guide http://bit.ly/1kYnMvx.

Artist: Bruno Verghauven, filtered 'Mauve' by Denisa Rensen

MONEYDenisa Rensen