Abundance Designed - Part II - Alignment


align yourself with the cosmic rhythm

of your heart


In Part I of the series, we dove into Identity. We used the socratic method to arrive at a metaphysically & mystically based conclusion - I am awareness.

Awareness is that silent hum behind all your perceptions, thoughts and feelings. It is a place that you drop into when you suspend thought. A presence you share will all beings on the planet and perhaps even with extra-planetary inter-dimensional beings. Awareness - Presence. Your higher-mind. The observer.


Awareness is a blank canvas, at every second of existence. It is an unconditionally loving platform from which you can design any perspective you wish. Unconditionally loving, preferring no particular stance itself. The point of view you choose is up to you. You have FREE WILL to choose.

Awareness is unconditionally loving. You have free will.

So what perspectives should you choose. I am already feeling the vertigo of freedom coming on.  This is where ALIGNMENT comes in, to bring us in, set us into powerful choices.



life is a string of choices,

congruent decisions being life's pearls.


Congruent is the operative word here. Aligned, authentic, real, resonant, preferred, harmonious, true to YOU. True to your best self, true to your HIGHER MIND.

Choices and decisions that feel right, good, resonant, pleasurable, blissful in the INTUITIVE body, the EMOTIONAL body, the ENERGETIC body and the PHYSICAL body. 

How do you know that your interpretations are SPOT ON? There is a precise strategy to keeping-on-task. 

Let's dive into this today, in Part II of the abundanceDesigned 5-Part Series.




Let's get some background. 

Although God is a metaphor that cannot be clothed in language, per say, let's give it a go anyway. Humor me. Even Lao Tsu went for it.


from the One came the two,

came the three,

came the 10,000 myriad of things


 - The Tao Te Ching


We can still write of the unspeakable. Language is a metaphor itself. Let's at the very least point to it.

INFINITY,  the ONE, the AbsoluteONE, the HigherMIND, the God - may very well be at the basis of all creation.

By definition, INFINITY has infinite choice.
It has no reference, it has infinite preference. 
It can easily decide to want to express itself, or not.

One of the infinite ways it chooses expression is via Awareness.
This is the metaphysical bath, we - as human beings with consciousness and physical realities - soak in.

Our experience of life and personal identity begins in Awareness. Most mystics, sages, poets and cosmological metaphysicians tend to concur on this. I tend to resonate with this. 


meditation is the dissolution of thoughts

in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness

without objectification

knowing without thinking

merging finitude in infinity


- Voltaire, french philosopher


Awareness is that silent hum we rest in when we suspend all thought. It's a presence we share with all beings, same one, all of us. This is where intuition stems from. All the downloads.
From this blank Awareness Canvas we design our beliefs, ideas and our physical realities. We choose a design option every moment of every day. 

So how do we choose which perspectives to go with? How do we align to what is TRUE to us?


the universe is looking back at itself

learning about itself

through you.

you matter.

- Nassim Harammein, physicist


There is a yearning inside each and every one of us, a yearning in some direction - to be free, to be loved, to be safe, to be inspired, to get to live OURSELVES. This is evidence enough that there is a cosmic tendency to BLISS for each and every human soul that is born on this planet. And this inclination to selfhood, to authentic expression, is very different for each and everyone of us. It's as if we are each a holographic mirror, the universe looking back at itself, learning about itself, designing itself through you. 

Every human experience has a sense of some pull, some purpose, some preference.


i am an insatiable tendency
a ceaseless pull
i am that mischievous tug
to bliss

- rensen


There is something drawing us in a certain direction. And as we wake from the default slumber in life, from the somnolence of collective fear and declare to live #forREAL, this journey of uncovering this life's purpose is relentless. We are all on it here. But it's no easy feat.


Trying to define yourself is like trying

to bite your own teeth.

- Alan Watts


This is not a noetic exploration. You must come at this through the energy of your desires & your through the inspirational power of your bliss. Period. 




Your desires are your yearnings. Your values are what you believe in, stand for. 

The two are not always synchronous. They meet only when you have done the long arduous process of cleaning out the subconscious attic. A lot of desires and values are borrowed from your upbringing and the society.


most people are other people

their thoughts are someone else's opinions

their lives a mimicry

their passions a quotation

- Oscar Wilde


We are ALL guilty of this impersonation at early points in life. Forgive us. We are social animals, endearingly following the tribe's needs and expectations, keeping up, taking on all it's learnings, fears and insecurities. It's who we are by design, sweet children, until we wake up. It's called growth, evolution, ascension. It's a process. Please remain compassionate and kind when you see it coming at you. Never forget when you were blind and deaf. Never forget when you were mere child.  

Get out of the noise, out of the attic and drop into your desires, your longings, your deepest yearnings. It's in this magical pain-infused bliss-designed place that you begin to see and extract patterns of your soul signature.


happiness is a wish


- Arthur Schopenhauer, german philosopher


Get clear on what you do not want, first. That is the socratic method. It works really well. You get clear really fast. Then take all your displeasures and flip them 180 degrees into your #trueCore non-negotiable wants, desires, declarations. And then you can begin redesigning your value statements from this place. From that deeply authentic pull to YOU, the real YOU. #trueDESIRES, #trueVALUES




There are three guiding mechanisms I speak of in my work with women in the world. The INTUITIVE compass, the EMOTIONAL compass, the ENERGETIC compass, and the PHYSICAL compass. All three inform your path, your calibration powerfully. You can employ them all at once, or reach out to a specific one, depending on what you are crystalizing out of your experience.


the EMOTIONAL compass


Follow your bliss. This says it all. Always check in how you are feeling. There are only two essential emotions to guide you - feeling good or feeling not-so-good. If it's not a HELL-YES, then it's a NO for now. Your emotional feelings are a brilliant guide to your blueprint. 



the INTUITIVE compass


Follow your gut. Go with your intuition. This is clear to many women who have fully embraced the non-noetic experience of life. We share Awareness with all beings on the planet and perhaps with all beings in all timelines, the past, the future, alternate parallel realities, the esoteric and the extra-planetary inter-dimensional beings. When we tap into this collective consciousness, the data we have access to is brilliant. We download instantaneous answers and off-the-wall inspirations. Make sure to keep close to LOVE, unconditional LOVE, so that you receive your intuitive guidance from positive compassionate helpful frequencies.


the ENERGETIC compass


The human vessel is energetic by design. We've got meridians, chakras, nadis and all our sensations that are brilliant data for alignment. Learning to listen to the energetic cues takes a certain focus and practice, but it's like riding the bicycle. Once you feel it, you feel it forever. There are many sensations & chakra scanning methods I use. I dive into these in detail in the abundanceDesigned course & book. I certainly always recommend Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Japanese Aiki to fine tune our connection to meridianal flow and signs of energetic harmony or imbalance. We are looking for circulation & FLOW here.


the PHYSICAL compass

The material body is an ingenious machine. It receives billions of bits of information from multi-dimensional sources and ALWAYS, ALWAYS responds. If you are not getting intuitive hits, if you are not feeling an emotional reaction, if you are energetically neutral, drop into your physical body. Where is the muscle tension, where is the joint pain, how is the digestion going, any diarrhea, any constipation. Are you bloated or feeling sharp and lean. How is that brain fog, any headaches, any vision problems. Even your lab values can tell a LOT about your Alignment. I get into specifics in the abundanceDesigned course & book on this. It's a fascinating angle.



Love is the land

Bliss is the compass

YOU are the light



Thank you for the READ!

So honored.

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Visionary Loving Innovative Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & true BLISS.

I am also Radical Longevity Expert & Anti-Aging Doctor based in Hawaii. An avid Designer & Poet. 

Feel free to get your free guide http://bit.ly/1kYnMvx.

WOMANDenisa Rensen