


soul of all soul, life of all life

you are that

- rumi

Atman आत्मन् - your true self, the divine eternal You. An essence that moves across incarnations. The being inside you that you feel behind your eyes, deep in your chest cavity.

But what is this encasing, this vessel Atman is housed in, in this lifetime. Who am I? Why this particular story, this second hand physique. Why this material density, all discomfort, suffering. What is this for? Where is the light, where is my freedom, my bliss. You can spend a whole lifetime seeking answers, the purpose in it all. Significance is so so key for the human. 

We are on an unveiling path together here. A journey of remembering, unearthing the Atman within us. We come in clothed in complex bodies and metaphysical intricacies. One of the key steps in our personal evolution to freedom and that lightness of being -  is to understand our particular design here in this life time, our life code, so to speak. The Why What and How this design called - you. 


the swiftest way to get at 'Atman' 

is via awareness, clear crisp presence



We are after clarity. We want to know, dive fully into the eye of our particular cosmic signature - the one you designed for yourself as you were incarnating-in, a soul contract of sorts that tells a story of you - here and now. This cosmic signature is influenced by the sun, the moon and the energetic flow of the universe at the time of your birth. The personal cosmic signature we are after here - is deciphered in ancient Mayan profiles, in Egyptian Numerologies, in the Chinese Zodiac, in Western and Eastern Astrologies. 

I particularly resonate with the channeled signature profiling depth of the Human Design system, the Gene Keys and especially the Integral Human Design Approach. These bodies of wisdom bring together Astrology, the Kabbalah, the Veda, The I Ching, the 64 Hexagram depth and human consciousness & genetics - together to arrive at a very sophisticated, elegant and astoundingly precise cosmic signature.

In my years and years of working with women,  as a high-level mentor and doctor, I realized that knowing yourself at a deep level, knowing your mythology, your cosmic design is a critical piece for the success and thriving of each and every woman. It's the reason I always begin with delineating your Human Design and Gene Keys. It's just simply my classic step one now, even before any other strategies are unrolled. I am after precision, personalized approach to you. You are unique and you are here for a powerful cosmic purpose. Knowing who you are, how you have been designed is a burst of clarity and forgiveness that no nutrient or supplement or any therapy can provide. 


I am here to help you be

warm your bones

unveil soul


Your cosmic signature is a beautiful step to your freedom, your forgiveness and your awareness, a path of clarity to Atman. Once you are clear on the cosmic signature you came in with, your purpose in the world becomes clear, alignment becomes effortless and your choices swift and full of manifesting power. 


So honored you are here with me. These shots of the LUCID, shots of BLISS are meant to be swift loving and empower you to live the full spectrum of the beautiful powerful blissDesigned woman you already are. 

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen, the Founder and Curator of the blissDesigned MAGAZINE.

I work with Global Innovative Loving Future-Conscious Women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, IMPACT & BLISS.  I am a Coach, a Doctor, a Designer, and a Writer.

We are here to design our precious lives for real significance, for true impact and for that intelligent grounding completing bliss, the home frequency.  Let’s dive into this together www.blissdesigned.com/you


Art: Hierarchy of Consciousness, Daniel Martin Diaz Más

WOMANDenisa Rensen